Prong Collar (Herm Sprenger)
E-Collar (E-Collar Technologies)
Martingale Collar
Elevated Cot Bed
6ft. Flat Leash
15-20ft. Long Leash

The e-Collar Sandwich
The Prong Collar
We only use Herm Sprenger prong collars. They are well made and the safest on the market. The prongs are angled out and blunt at the ends. In order for the prong collar to be effective it needs to be properly fitted, which is snug sitting behind the ears and right under the jawline.
How are they used? Prong collars provide directional pressure, this is our steering wheel. We use the prong collar to apply aversive pressure and when the dog comes into pressure the pressure is released, we mark it and then reward the dog. We use this tool to teach the dog to take pressure off the collar by following pressure and not resist pressure or pull. This is where we start when teaching a loose leash walk, they have to understand the language of the prong collar first.
*For proper fitting check out https://leerburg.com/fit-prong.htm for more information*

Prong Collar
Martingale collar
The E-Collar

E-Collar: We only use E-Collar’s from E-collar Technologies, as they are safe, consistent and are great quality. The most common one we use is the ET-300 Mini-Educator. E-Collars provide Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation (TENS), meaning it activates receptors in your skin which send a signal to the brain causing a pricking/tingling sensation at low levels, and discomfort at high levels. The effects of the E-Collar are physiological as opposed to pathological. This means there are no injurious consequences and TENS is often used to manage chronic pain in humans.
How is it used? Before using an E-Collar we always ensure that the dog has solid obedience as we layer the E-Collar overtop of already known commands. We introduce the E-Collar in a quiet environment with no distractions and find what is called the working level (the lowest level the dog can feel with the E-Collar, which varies from dog to dog). We start by teaching the dog how to respond to the collar. Every time they feel the working level and they are given a command, the sensation of the collar will not leave until they perform the command. We also incorporate leash pressure and lures to help the dog get into commands when they need some extra guidance. We repeat this process hundreds of times, without correcting, until it is smooth and the dog completely understands what is expected. Once everything is clear and the dog is responding on command then we start to wean off the use of the E-Collar with every command and use it intermittently. The end goal is to have the dogs respond on command without the use of the E-Collar or the need for leash pressure or treats.
*Check out this informative article at https://hiddenfence.com.au/shock-collars-versus-electrical-stimulation-collars/ for more information about E-Collars and how they are different from shock collars*

The Crate
The crate is one of the most important tools. The crate is a dogs safe zone. It is a space for them where they relax, eat their meals and it mimics a den like environment for dogs. It is also the number one way you can ensure your dog is safe, especially if you are not able to keep an eye on them.
A dog should be able to get up and turn around in the crate. They do not need extra space in the crate, in fact, problem behaviours can arise when there is too much space.
The Place Cot
Place is a command we use to get dogs to go on objects. This is great for confidence building exercises and also to teach your dog not to follow you everywhere. The reason why we use the place cot to teach place is because of the distinct boundary it has and the fact that it is elevated. They cannot be half on/half off and it is clear when they are about to get off.
When we are teaching duration on the place cot we want the dog to relax and just coexist in their environment. They are not allowed to get off place without permission. This is a great exercise for dog with anxiety who pace or cannot relax in the home and also for dogs who are clingy and follow you everywhere. This helps with gaining independence and impulse control. You should be able to cook, clean, work etc. and your dog will not bother you and you will not bother them. This is where they can rest, feel safe and just hang out.